
Camping Food

When most people think about camping food, they think nuts and berries. But just because you're out in the wilderness doesn't mean you can't eat a good meal. There are many options when selecting food for a camping trip.

What is Camping Food? 

You can't bring just anything from your refrigerator on a camping trip. Appropriate camping food usually falls into one of three categoriescooked, and dehydrated. Fresh food items can be brought as well, but they must be consumed within the first or second day of your trip. Considering these four categories can help you when deciding what food to bring on your camping trip. Cooking Time and Method Self-Life Weight Nutrition

Freeze-Dried Food Brands

Unlike dried or dehydrated food, freezecooked and contains all the flavors of a meal made in your kitchen. It is another highly popular option when selecting camping food because it is portable, nonperishable, easy to make, doesn't require refrigeration, and is handy in emergency situations. When you're ready to eat, all you need to do is add hot water!  

How to Store Food While Camping

How to Cook Food While Camping

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