By User:amandalum @timeAndDate(1268623944)
We all have messy times at our desks, whether it be at home or at work. It's hard to keep a desk clean sometimes when you are so busy. After some point, papers will be pile up enough for you to realize that you can't find what you are looking for! Paper organization can be a tedious task but with the help of hanging folders, you will be thankful for times when you misplace a very important piece of paper. It only takes a few minutes to set up and once you organize your papers, you desk will be cleared and so will your head!
Shopping for Hanging Folders
When you turn the corner of the filing aisle at your local office supply store, you may become overwhelmed, especially if you have not used file hanging folders.
*frame can be used on top of your desk right at your reach.
*color combinations that companies have put together. Remember, it's all about personal preferences.
*file names will be a lot easier than having to cover up something on the permanent tabbed folders.