worn casual or to make a fashion statement. Here are some tips to wearing a herringbone chain and picking out a pendant:
# A long, chunky twist herringbone should be paired with a large pendant. Smaller pendants would look silly and small scaled to size.
# A dainty herringbone looks elegant and classic with a small pendant.
# Most important tip of all! Use the same metals together. It will not match if you place a white gold pendant with a yellow gold herringbone necklace.
Men and women prefer to wear necklaces that look great for any occasion. You've seen different male vocalist on television rock a long, thick chain with an overly meaningful pendants. No matter how you plan to use your necklace, there are so many different options to choose from. You may have a hard time deciding.
* Metals: Gold plated over sterling silver is more affordable than solid gold . If you can't decide what metal you like the best, look at what the majority of your jewelry collection is.
* Length: 24". The smaller the number, the shorter chain. The larger number means the chain will be longer. Also, remember if you have a larger neck, then you'll want to choose a bigger chain.
Bracelets and Anklets
When the weather is warm and you have a diamond tennis bracelet.
* Herringbone bracelets: Indulge in the riches of stainless steel are easier on the pockets, but looks fabulous!
* Herringbone anklets: If you want to feel spectacular, invest in sterling silver.