
Jogging Strollers Buying Guide

For an active mom or dad, a types, brands, and price ranges available for jogging strollers, and finding them used is a little difficult because people tend to love them.  Jogging strollers are great for babies, since the strollers have shock absorbers and larger wheels, so faster paces won't rattle the stroller as much, provide a smooth ride, and you won't have to worry about tipping around the corners. And jogging strollers are even available for multiple children, so you can take the whole brood out for a nice run1  Plus, a little fresh air, some scenery, a little sun, and some exercise is fun for everyone. Jogging strollers are also great for if you just want to run some errands, as they are light and very aerodynamic!

Why They Are Good

* Bigger wheels, more sturdy construction, hoods, canopies and special shapes make jogging with your toddler(s) a breeze. * You can get them in all different sizes and for varying degrees of intensity. * Sometimes they come in tandem stroller lover.

Safety Warnings

* Children less than 6 months old should not ride in jogging strollers, unless it's explicitly an infant jogging stroller. * Do not skate with a jogging stroller. * Familiarize yourself with the brakes before embarking on that hilly running route.

Special Features

'''Colors:'''  These are actually more important than you may realize! * Bright colors are recommended for visibility. * In less urban areas, very bright colors are recommended to keep from blending in with scenery. * For urban families, darker colors are recommended, because they show less dirt. * For extra visibility, there are reflective tapes and flashing lights for night and evening jogs. * If you live in a warmer climate or jog quite frequently in summer, lighter colors keep from overheating the stroller.  '''Extra Large Wheels''': Wheel size plays a large part in a stroller's stability and comfort. * The bigger they are the easier the stroller is to push and the smoother the ride. * The average wheel size is 16", which seems adequate for most joggers. * 12" are often considered too small. * 20" models are great for bumpier rides. * The enormous (and bulky) 24" model by Baby Jogger is not so well reviewed. * Almost all models come with three equal sized wheels but some use a smaller front wheel and two larger back wheels. * Very few models use two front wheels. * An hybrid jogging stroller, has smaller 12" wheels and often a front swiveling wheel for added mobility and versatility. ** But the small wheels are often too bumpy. ** Swivel wheels are better in theory, but you can't jog with them. '''Large, Sturdy, Built-in Canopy''': The canopy is crucial on a jogging stroller. * If the parent is jogging, the child will be subject to wind and most likely sun too. * No matter how comfortable the seat is, being blinded by the sun or wind burned will not make the child happy. A happy baby makes for a happy runner. * You can purchase add-on canopies but they may not fit as well. '''Adjustable Handlebars:''' Since a jogging stroller is good for more than just jogging, it should be versatile enough to meet all the needs or all the stroller-pushers. * Look for models that have adjustable (and straight continuous) handlebars so that pushing the stroller doesn't become uncomfortable. * Keep in mind the wheel size will raise the bars higher as well. '''Heavy-Duty Handling:''' Strollers have weight limits, and these are not just dependent on the size or age of the child. * The weight capacity is also a measure of the quality of overall construction of the stroller. The more weight it can handle, the better quality it is. '''Shock Absorbers:''' Most jogging strollers offer some sort of shock protection. * Keep in mind where you jog, walk or run. * Smooth surfaces without lots of bumps, as on a dirt trail, won't require a heavy-duty shock system. * If you prefer to go on smooth pavement, shock absorbers will actually make it harder to push the stroller because it will add weight and friction. * Only pay for what you need, since shocks will add on a bit in price. '''Brakes''': These are a major safety issue. * Most models include at least one brake on the front wheel. * Some models also have a parking brake, which is not essential, but it can act as a type of emergency brake, ensuring your stroller stays put. * Put the brake on when you are strapping and unstrapping your child. * Many jogging strollers also include a wrist guard. When wrapped around the runner's wrist, this in an extra precaution against the runaway stroller phenomenon.

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