

The first Oktoberfest was on October 18, 1810 in Munich, Germany, and was held to commemorate the marriage of King Ludwig I and Therese of Saxebeer'>German beer.  To put it into perspective, in 2007, almost seven million liters of beer were brought to the festival, while only one million liters of water were supplied.  Oktoberfest is the world's largest fair, with about six million people from all over the world attending ever year.  The festival begins on the first Sunday of October and is still held in Munich in honor of Bavarian culture .  The modern fair begins with a twelve gun salute and ceremoniously tapping a keg. After that, the drinking and eating commence throughout the 14 main tents.  Oxen, fish, and sausage are the staple of the Oktoberfest diet, and a wide variety of specialty beers is on tap, of course.  In addition, there is plenty of music and carnival rides.  

Seasonal Beers

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