
Organic Soaps

What’s good for the environment is good for your skin! Lavendar reduces stress, disinfects skin, enhances blood circulation, and smells heavenly, so will calm mind and body. * Olive Oil moisturizes dry skin, a pleasant relief during cold dry winter weather. * Peppermint oil reduces stress, enhances blood circulation, nourishes dull skin, improves oily skin, and has a cooling effect that leaves skin tingly and refreshed. * Baby's Skin : Nothing feels better than the soft skin of a baby’s cheek. Keep it that way with these great organic soaps designed especially for babies’ tender skin. * Dry skin : Choose a soap that moisturizes and soothes dry skin. * Sensitive skin : Choose organic soaps that soothe sensitive skin. * Oily skin : Wash away the oil while keeping the moisture. * Acne: Deal with the causes of acne naturally by switching to a soap designed to get at the root of the problem.

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