
Seasonal Beers

ByUser:Kristenmollica @timeAndDate(1282319796) Every beer connoisseur looks forward to each new season with enthusiasm and a great thirst for their favorite frosty brew. Seasonal beer is nothing new but the business has grown enormously over the passed decade, surpassing the sale of pale ales. Now you can feel just as sophisticated as those wine drinkers as you pair your beer perfectly to your food each season. Choose a light summer ale to accompany those Bud Light and pop open a bottle of Oktoberfest this fall. 

Beer 101

Before we get into these delectable beverages, let's take a little crash course in beer. Don't worry, you won't be tested. So feel free to have a few drinks while you read this. Now that you are edumacated, lets see what you can look forward to each season!

'Tis the Season

Seasonal beers are here today and gone tomorrow. Don't be left out this season, so find that perfectly refreshing brew that will satisfy your taste buds. Since there seems to be an ever-growing list of beer goodness out there, I can't possibly list all your choices for seasonal beers. Instead, I will provide you with some top choices (both what beer advocates and myself enjoy) that can be easily found at most stores. I'll also list some great choices that might be a little more difficult to find but are well worth the effort. If you have a favorite brewing company, make sure you check out their official site, which will list any seasonal beers they offer as well as when you can begin purchasing them and where they are sold.


Spring is here and it's time to shake off the winter chill, put away those fruit beer. Spring beer is sold around February/March through May.  !'''Regional and Noteworthy Choices'''


The summer heat rears its sweaty head, the smell of barbecue lingers in the air, and mosquito bites are your new fashion statement. This could only mean one thingbeer'>chocolate stout. You will find a lot of fruity and refreshing flavors this season, many incorporating lemon and orange zest. Light, crisp beers reign supreme this season. !'''Regional and Noteworthy Choices'''


The brutal heat has subsided and a crisp chill is in the air. As the leaves change color, so should your beer from pale ales to darker, more flavorful styles. Away with ye fruity beers! It's time for luscious Oktoberfest! You can expect just about every brewery to release their own take on the luscious Oktoberfest beer so make sure you try them all. But not all at once. !'''Regional and Noteworthy Choices'''


While everyone else is sipping on eggnog and hot dark brews will be gone before you know it. There's no better time than autumn and winter to check out your local brewery for new flavors.  !'''Regional and Noteworthy Choices'''

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