Looking to execute that new skating pads. It is important to wear protective padding (and all other protective gear, for that matter) because injury can be inevitable when you're trying to nail that impossible stunt.
Elbow Pads
Whether you're kicking a heelpads'>elbow protection are attached to a plastic protective layer that guards your elbow from falling victim the concrete or other rough surfaces it may encounter.
Knee Pads
If you and your friends are planning on hitting the buckle straps that are adjusted to contort to the unique shape of your knee. Additionally, just like elbow pads, an adhesive connects your elastic fittings to solid, plastic coverings that are resistant to hard impacts that skateboarders are regularly prone to.
Other Protective Accessories
Elbow pads are knee pads aren't going to keep you completely injurybands'>skateboard wrist bands to protect your wrists from receiving any injury.