Cause no girl can deal with a B.O. ridden guy. Ever.
Take some pride in your clothing, and make sure things fit.
Separate your self from the boys, and break out of the pack as a man.
Stuff That Is Always In
You can never go wrong with these classic outfits.
On the Job
Some say the clothes make the man, others believe it's what's on the inside that counts. Perhaps you think your Career Clothing for Men.
More Workplace Information
We've already got two great places to help you pull yourself together once you've figured out how you need to dress for work: Men's Guide To Getting Dressed. These two gems should be just the ticket to help you dazzle your coworkers. If you still can't figure out what to wear to work it may be because you're entering a new realm. It's true. There are times when you need to follow different rules for dressing. Here are a few examples: