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ByUser:KatDavid @timeAndDate(1302100746) Video games can be a lot of fun, and also easy to take over your life, so be careful. Some of your biggest decision lies in picking which console to go with. The major manufactures are, of course, Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. Sega is no longer making hardware. Sony and Nintendo not only have consoles that are connected to your television, but also have hand held versions of thier systems. Obviously, if you already have a console from one particular vendor, you'll need to keep yourself in games. That's why you're here on this article! Some current big titles are video game accessories guide. The rest is below.

About the Editor

My love for videos games started when I was eight years old. I had just received a Video Games By Brand Don't overlook the accesories that you'll want.  Each gaming system comes with a multitude of additional controllers that will feel great to some, but maybe not to others. If you haven't decided on a system, read up on each of the latest systems, and you'll be able to get comfortable with which one will likely suit you best.  In addition, some games that you may have tried at a friend's house may only be avaialbe on one system.  If you plan to swap games with friends, don't foget to check in with them to make sure that you have compatible gaming systems.

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