
Bird Feeders

Wild Bird Food). Once the neighborhood birds know that you're good for a snack, they will clean you out almost every day! The results are definitely worth the hard work. Everyone from age 1 to 121 can enjoy watching birds at a feeder, and they can be a great way to teach kids about science, wildlife, and respectfully enjoying nature. Bird feeders are categorized by the type of food they offer, but within each category there are many variations.

Seed Feeders


Types of Seed Feeders


Suet Feeders


Fruit Feeeders


Nectar Feeders


Other Types of Feeders



Anyone who has ever fed birds in their yard knows that there is an enemy afoot whenever you turn your back you're a human! You can try some of these solutions to keep the gray menace away from your bird feeders. !

Decorative Feeders

* Many feeders out there are very pretty concrete statues of angels, animals, or babies. '''Don't buy them.''' All those nooks and crannies or the folds of a statue's clothing are going to get very, very dirty and will be a pain in the neck to clean. Your best bet for an easyclean feeder is a simple one, with only plastic and metal parts that can easily be taken apart.

Decorative vs. Useful Feeders


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