Eternity Rings
User:bjb311 @timeAndDate(1266104689)
wedding bands, but they can also commemorate other milestones with your significant other: monumental anniversaries, the birth of a child, overcoming hardship, or a renewal of vows. But, if you love someone, if you are committed to someone, an eternity ring doesn't even need any other occasion.
Traditional Eternity
Traditional Eternity Rings are studded with
"full" eternity rings as the diamonds create a full circle. The imagery here is of a continuous chain, without missing links and without a lesser part. Therefore, giving someone a traditional eternity ring symbolizes a full commitment for all of eternity. Be aware, though, a full set of diamonds means the ring is difficult to size. This also fits with the permanence of the whole gesture.
white gold, white diamonds, simple and elegant! But this ring is also easy on a functional level, sheer and comfortable for everyday wear.
Half eternity rings, often just as luxurious as the full variety, only feature diamonds on the top while exposing the band material the rest of the way. This style makes the rings easier to size and has a more modern look.
Natural gemstones and alternative metals have become popular in recent eternity ring choices.
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zirconia and synthesized diamonds for a dazzling look for a fraction of the cost.
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