Commitment Rings
Commitment rings are a fantastic idea for relationships in which the couple is not ready to, or not planning on marrying, but do want to show their love and devotion for each other. Also known as promise rings, they can symbolize many things. The can be used to symbolize commitment in a monogamous relationship, as a chastity vow to wait until marriage to have sex, presex relationships that may not have the current option to get married. Whatever the reasons may be that you are searching for a commitment ring, it all comes down to symbolizing one thing: love.
The idea of a commitment ring comes from Bishops wearing them in commitment to the church. In the 16th and 17th centuries, it was popular to exchange rings to symbolize love and friendship. The most important part of giving a commitment ring is making sure that you are clear to the person what the promise is that is being made between the two of you.
Which Finger to Wear It On
Which finger to wear a commitment ring on all depends on the meaning behind the ring.
* Pre-engagement: Usually worn on the left hand, though can be worn on the right.
* Sexual Abstinance: Worn on the left ring finger, with the intent that it will be replaced eventually with a wedding band.
* Promise of Monogamy: Traditionally worn on the left hand, but because of confusion with engagement rings may be worn on the right.
* Friendship: Usually worn on the right hand, as to not be confused with any romantic intention.
For Women
There tend to be, as with any jewelry, a lot of options for women when it comes to commitment rings. There are lots of different styles, price points, and materials they can be made with.
* If you are looking for something affordable and not too flashy, consider cubic zirconia. It looks shiny enough, but is pretty cheap.
* Gemstones are a beautiful option. Consider finding out what her birthstone is, so it can be even more personal.
* If you want something a little more original, a pearl ring will be a stand out piece.
* A common, but beautiful design choice is that of interlocking hearts to symbolize the both of you.
* If you really want to go all out, a diamonds and gold are the way to go. Just make sure you get a design that isn't too similar to an engagement ring or wedding band.
For Men
For men the options may be less flashy, but there are some great styles you can get.
* Though they can be bought for women as well, a popular choice for men is the Irish claddagh ring. The ring itself is a symbol of friendship, loyalty and love. When worn with the tip of the heart facing towards the owner, it means they are taken.
* Simple bands are great too. You want them to be thick enough that they have a masculine look.
* You can get a french poesy ring, which has "Vous et nul autre" engraved on it. It translates to "you and no other". The script has a very cool design guys will love.
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